Golf Clubs You use Them While You’re at Them Communication on the Green


When we found this short article we were so excited, having sought for over a year for this, discovering it on this blog was an exciting time for yours truly.

Golf clubs (by which we mean the locations, not the implements) are huge expanses of land. They cover vast distances, employ large amounts of people and are reasonably complicated environments to run.

In addition to the necessity of expedient communication between various layers of management, general health and safety concerns and the dedication required to keep a good course looking pristine, two way radios are vital to golf clubs for keeping staff connected with each other. They also help to provide security over large spaces and much more besides. Let’s go into all this in a bit more detail, shall we?

Two-way radios are easy to use, cost effective and supremely reliable. A mobile phone (or similar gadget) simply would not be anywhere near as dependable as a 2 Way Radio, especially when one considers that most of a golf course is outdoors and therefore subject to weather, atmospheric conditions and other intangibles.

Two-way radios are rugged devices, designed for use on all kinds of terrain. When the tasks required are largely outdoors, it makes sense to employ the same technology that soldiers use in the desert or the police use in the city, doesn’t it?

Radios offer a fast and effective response to emergencies of any kind. Instant communication is a vital tool when it comes to reporting on a mishap and ensuring that help arrives A.S.A.P. Radios also allow staff to report on the condition of the green, relaying player feedback directly to management, ensuring a swift and professional response to any concerns. This, in turn, can help to cultivate customer loyalty, providing a good club with legions of devoted players who will attract other customers and thus provide the club with steady business.

But that isn’t all a walkie-talkie is good for at a golf course. In general, golf courses require a high degree of management skill and the key to good management is good communication. Two-way radios help to ensure that the on-course staff are prepared for the player’s individual needs. Radios help the other amenities of the club (shops, restaurants, toilets etc) to run smoothly and continue to offer high standards and quality service.

Without radios, a golf club would require several levels of management, if only to handle all the travel between spaces. The management of a decent course would represent a logistical nightmare. A long, leisurely round of golf (enjoyed by everyone from Larry David to Alice Cooper) could instead represent a stress-filled, obstacle-riddled game that many would give up on before they ever even teed off.